Palm oil as a versatile halal ingredient: A review of its sterilization process


  • Sherly Hanifarianty
  • Siravit Pakdeechot
  • Makatar Wae-Hayee


Palm oil is one of many edible oil crops available for human consumption. It prevails as a necessary halal raw material because of its outstanding characteristics and versatility of applications; such as its high-pressure oxidation resistance, capability to dissolve insoluble chemicals and its high coating power; besides it does not cause any skin irritation if used in cosmetics. To reach acceptability, the oil palm fruit undergoes various steps, namely sterilization, thresher, digester, screw press and oil clarifier. The Sterilization process is key for the success of further steps and is very costly compared with other processes. Additionally, it is necessary to optimize the entire process until the final product is reached. The sterilization process still needs further research pertaining to efficiency issues regarding energy usage and minimum oil losses that are cost effective for small and big factories. In this article, the process, types and energy consumption of palm oil sterilization are briefly described. This would be beneficial for beginners who are interested in palm oil milling, especially the sterilization process.


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How to Cite

Hanifarianty, S., Pakdeechot, S., & Wae-Hayee, M. (2019). Palm oil as a versatile halal ingredient: A review of its sterilization process. Journal of Halal Industry & Services, 2(1). Retrieved from



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