
  • Mohd Anuar Ramli Department of Fiqh and Usul, Academy of Islamic Studies, University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


In recent years, interest in meat issues and research have increased. Many consumers are concerned about the meat they eat because it's the main source of protein in daily consumption. However, in issues pertaining to meat, halal and safety are of vital focus for Muslim consumers, especially in the Southeast Asia region. Some of the related issues in halal and safety meat are criminal and terrorist activities, including meat fraud such as adulterant substances (adulteration), substitution, stolen livestock, grey market product, smuggling, misrepresentation or mislabeling etc. In parallel with fraudulent meat activities, perpetrators tend to use a harmful and unsafety material in the meat product, namely glonggong meat, formalin meat, tiren meat, exotic meat etc. Thus, this review is intended to provide an overview of halal and safety issues in a meat product in the Malaysian and Indonesian markets. The findings show that various fraudulent actions can threaten the lives of humans, animals and other food sources as well as opposed to Shariah guidance. Therefore, all parties need to mobilise a regional collaboration in combating food perpetrators and terrorists to ensure that the meat products in the market fit with the halalan tayyiba criteria. At the same time, this collaboration will boost regional halal ecosystems to grow rapidly, especially in Southeast Asia.


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How to Cite

Ramli, M. A. (2018). HALAL MEAT FRAUD AND SAFETY ISSUES IN THE MALAYSIAN AND INDONESIAN MARKETS. Journal of Halal Industry & Services, 1(1). Retrieved from https://journals.hh-publisher.com/index.php/JHIS/article/view/4



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