Wireless Water Level Detection System


  • Noorellimia Mat Toridi UPM
  • Muhammad Idham Haiqal Amri
  • Muhammad Shamir Sadiq Mohd Hisham
  • Nur Shafiqah Ismail
  • Anelka Dau Anak Kupo
  • Norulhuda Mohamed Ramli
  • Nurulhuda Khairudin
  • Samsuzana Abd Aziz




The irrigation system is crucial in ensuring that each field receives the necessary supply of water to meet the demands of the crops. It is essential to ensure that the water flow is consistent and uninterrupted, and the water levels are monitored and controlled. Therefore, this paper designs wireless water level detection system that works automatically by reading the height of the water level using an ultrasonic sensor. Then, the water level data is sent to an app so that the users can monitor the height of the water in real time. This system was designed using two main components: an HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor and a NodeMCU microcontroller. The HC-SR04 periodically transmit data of water level in real time, then the NodeMCU upload this to the monitoring platform. Finally, the wireless water level detection system is tested under a laboratory environment. A very strong linear regression between the measured and actual water level height (R2=0.99) was obtained.




How to Cite

Mat Toridi, N., Amri, M. I. H., Mohd Hisham, M. S. S., Ismail, N. S., Kupo, A. D. A., Mohamed Ramli, N., Khairudin, N., & Abd Aziz, S. (2024). Wireless Water Level Detection System. Advances in Agricultural and Food Research Journal, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.36877/aafrj.a0000490



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