Penilaian Sifat Fizikal Dan Kimia Kompos Sisa Pokok Tembikai Dan Kesan Terhadap Pertumbuhan Sayur
Abstract: This study is conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of watermelon tree waste compost (WMC) as a source of organic nutrients for vegetable growth. Watermelon tree waste compost is produced with a mixture of watermelon tree waste with horse manure and water and left for 2 months. Temperature and humidity results were found to decrease during composting. Vegetables grown using WMC produced high yields where the number of leaves, canopy, chlorophyll and final weight of vegetables were found to be better than control vegetables. The values of Nitrogen, Carbon, Hidrogen, Sulphur, Phosporus, Potassium WMC are 0.69 %, 8.20 %, 0.78 %, 0.051 %, 11.77 % and 2.4 % respectively. WMC was found to be able to be an alternative organic nutrient source for vegetable growth.
Abstrak: Kajian ini dijalankan untuk menilai keberkesanan kompos sisa pokok tembikai (WMC) sebagai sumber nutrien organik untuk pertumbuhan sayur. Kompos sisa pokok tembikai dihasilkan dengan campuran sisa pokok tembikai bersama tinja kuda serta air dan dibiarkan selama 2 bulan. Keputusan suhu dan kelembapan didapati berkurangan semasa pengkomposan. Sayur ditanam menggunakan WMC menghasilkan hasilan yang tinggi dimana bilangan daun, kanopi, klorofil dan berat akhir sayuran didapati lebih baik berbanding sayur kawalan. Nilai Nitrogen, Carbon, Hidrogen, Sulfur, Fosforus, Potasium WMC masing-masing ialah 0.69 %, 8.20 %, 0.78 %, 0.051 %, 11.77 % dan 2.4 %. WMC didapati berupaya menjadi sumber nutrien organik alternatif untuk pertumbuhan sayur.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Mohamad Jani Saad, Noor Sarinah Mohd, Intan Nadhirah Masri, Teoh Chin Chuang, Masniza Sairi, Amir Redzuan Shamsulkamal, Mohamad Nasrol Rabidi, Muhamad Alif Sulaiman

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