Development of Decision Support System (DSS) for Greenhouse Ventilation and Cooling Control


  • Aini Amini Mohd Shukri
  • Diyana Jamaludin Universiti Putra Malaysia
  • Muhamad Saufi Mohd Kassim
  • Muhammad Hazwan Hamzah



The confined heat created by the sunlight and ambient temperature is one of the obstacles to greenhouses in the tropics. A conservatory in tropical regions thus requires a proper ventilation and cooling system to provide an ideal greenhouse temperature to support crop production. The main objective of this study is to develop a Decision Support System (DSS) for optimum greenhouse ventilation and cooling control. An equation model to predict the temperature inside was developed by considering heat generation and heat loss inside the greenhouse. The accuracy of the equation model was validated with secondary data from the on-field greenhouse by statistical evaluation metrics. The statistical evaluation proved that the equation model is good with 2.11°C of Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), 6.22% of Percent BIAS (PBIAS) and 0.94 of Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) value. A DSS using Microsoft Excel with Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is developed based on the equation model to provide the ventilation and cooling system information. Input required for the DSS is a climatic condition, dimension and covering greenhouse material. The output of the DSS is the temperature inside the greenhouse, natural ventilation design, forced ventilation, active cooling system design using an evaporative pad and fan, and fogging system. The DSS can be used as an approach for ventilation and cooling design recommendation for the optimum temperature inside the greenhouse.




How to Cite

Mohd Shukri, A. A. ., Jamaludin, D., Mohd Kassim, M. S., & Hamzah, M. H. (2023). Development of Decision Support System (DSS) for Greenhouse Ventilation and Cooling Control. Advances in Agricultural and Food Research Journal, 4(2).



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