Kajian Rekabentuk Eco2GC Drain Cover


  • Nor Hayati Mat Nor Polytechnic
  • Noor Izma Ab Ghani
  • Affidah Mardziah Mukhtar




Abstract: Clogged drains may seem like a small matter; however, they give poor effect to environment, health, and cleaners. Drain clogs commonly resulted from accumulated trash, sands, leaves, and twigs. Hence, research has been conducted to design Eco2GC Drain Cover to troubleshoot this issue. The name given was a short form for Economic to Green Concrete Drain Cover, which gives the Eco2GC Drain Cover. This product is designed in accordance with Urban Stormwater Management Manual or Manual Saliran Mesra Alam (MSMA). The objective of this product design is to identify the water flow rate, the compressive strength, and the timesaving for drain maintenance which utilize Eco2GC Drain Cover. The basic concept of Eco2GC Drain Cover design focuses on the main function of the drainage system, which is to let the water flow. In addition, it can also prevent trash, soil, sand, leaves, and twigs from getting into the drain. The result of design research on the drain shows the water flow test through the porous is 1.999 liter/second, the compressive strength is 43.63N/mm2 at the age of 28 days and the timesaving for drain maintenance is 72.5%. Thus, the Eco2GC Drain Cover was proven to benefit waste management and able to prevent clogged drains caused by trash, soil, sand, leaves and twigs.

Abstrak: Isu longkang tersumbat nampak remeh, namun ia memberikan kesan yang tidak baik kepada persekitaran, kesihatan dan pekerja kebersihan. Terdapat banyak sebab yang menjadikan longkang tersumbat seperti dipenuhi sampah sarap, pasir dan tanah serta daun dan ranting kering. Berikutan dengan itu, satu kajian reka bentuk Eco2GC Drain Cover dihasilkan bagi mengatasi masalah longkang tersumbat. Eco2GC Drain Cover adalah singkatan bagi Economic to Green Concrete Drain Cover di mana produk ini direka bentuk selaras dengan saliran mesra alam (MSMA). Objektif reka bentuk produk ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti kadar aliran air, kekuatan mampatan dan penjimatan masa penyelenggaraan longkang yang menggunakan Eco2GC Drain Cover. Konsep asas reka bentuk Eco2GC Drain Cover adalah menekankan kepada fungsi asal longkang untuk mengalirkan air namun ia juga dapat mengelakkan sampah, tanah, pasir, daun dan ranting masuk ke dalam longkang. Hasil daripada kajian reka bentuk longkang ini didapati ujian pengaliran air Eco2GC Drain Cover melalui poros adalah 1.999 liter/saat, ujian kekuatan mampatan adalah 43.63N/mm2 pada umur 28 hari, penjimatan masa pekerja menyelenggara longkang adalah 72.5%. Dengan itu, produk Eco2GC Drain Cover ini memberikan kesan yang amat baik kepada pengurusan sisa dan dapat mengelakkan longkang tersumbat daripada sampah, tanah, pasir, daun dan ranting kering.




How to Cite

Mat Nor, N. H., Ab Ghani, N. I., & Mukhtar, A. M. (2022). Kajian Rekabentuk Eco2GC Drain Cover. Advances in Agricultural and Food Research Journal, 3(2). https://doi.org/10.36877/aafrj.a0000289



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