Sweet Potato Peel Flour Applications in The Textural Quality of Waffle Ice Cream Cone and Other Food Products


  • Zanariah Mohd Dom Universiti Putra Malaysia
  • Nurul Atikah Mohd Zulkeple Amin Universiti Putra Malaysia
  • Roslizah kadir Basha Universiti Putra Malaysia




Sweet potatoes are nutritious vegetables commonly grown in Malaysia. However, its beneficial skins are mostly peeled and thrown away. The sweet potato peel has a slightly bitter taste with its good nutritional food value in producing healthy food products. In this study, sweet potato peel flour (SPPF) is added to the existing wheat flour in the formulation of ice cream waffle cones. The amount of wheat flour added in the mixture depends on the SPPF amount added. Preliminary study on the content of protein, moisture, crude fiber, protein, carbohydrate and fat were conducted and determined. Then, the SPPF was added based on the formulation of 5%, 10% and 15% addition to the wheat flour at 95%, 90% and 85%, respectively, in a batter mix formulation for the making of ice cream waffle cones. The control was made out of 100% wheat flour, in order to compare with the newly formulated ice cream waffle cones batter mixture. Addition of SPPF has impacted the quality of waffle ice cream cone in regards to its physicochemical properties such as colour, odour, tensile strength and textural properties. As the results, waffle cones of SPPF had lower value of L*, a* and b*, which turned darker than a controlled sample. The 5% formulation of sweet potato peel flour (SPPF) resulted to the highest crispiness of the waffle cones. Tensile strength of fiber materials in sweet potato peels flour became stable and balanced with the cone structure. Overall SPPF formulated waffle cones have passed the physical analysis and food applications’ requirements. As the SPPF have high value in water holding capacity, it can contribute to other food applications.

Author Biographies

Zanariah Mohd Dom, Universiti Putra Malaysia

Department of process and Food Engineering

Nurul Atikah Mohd Zulkeple Amin, Universiti Putra Malaysia

Department of Process and Food Engineering

Roslizah kadir Basha, Universiti Putra Malaysia

Department of Process and Food Engineering


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How to Cite

Mohd Dom, Z., Mohd Zulkeple Amin, N. A., & kadir Basha, R. (2020). Sweet Potato Peel Flour Applications in The Textural Quality of Waffle Ice Cream Cone and Other Food Products. Advances in Agricultural and Food Research Journal, 1(2). https://doi.org/10.36877/aafrj.a0000150



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