Potential application of laser-based imaging technology in the quality evaluation of agricultural products : A review


  • Philip Donald Cabuga Sanchez Caraga State University-Philippines
  • Norhashila Hashim Universiti Putra Malaysia
  • Rosnah Shamsudin Process and Food Engineering, UPM (Associate Professor)
  • Mohd Zuhair Mohd Nor Process and Food Engineering, UPM (Senior Lecturer)




Non-destructive quality evaluation of agricultural products particularly during postharvest stage has been a primary concern in recent years. The laser-based imaging technology is one of the most promising non-invasive tools which demonstrate potential ability to replace the conventional methods of quality monitoring that are time-consuming, expensive, laborious, inaccurate and most of all destructive. Hence, in this paper, we briefly reviewed the potential application of laser-light backscattering imaging technique (LLBI) as a non-destructive quality evaluation tool applied in agricultural products. This review mainly reports the current knowledge on the successful implementations of the LLBI in measuring the various quality-related attributes of agricultural products under different postharvest conditions such as in drying, storage, sorting, maturity identification, defect detection, etc. The basic components, uses and considerations of the technique are highlighted in this paper. Moreover, the advantages, drawbacks, measurement methods, data analysis applied as well as the accuracies obtained are briefly summarized.

Author Biographies

Philip Donald Cabuga Sanchez, Caraga State University-Philippines

Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Dept.Chairman/Faculty

Norhashila Hashim, Universiti Putra Malaysia

Biological and Agricultural Engineering, UPM (Associate Professor)


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How to Cite

Sanchez, P. D. C., Hashim, N., Shamsudin, R., & Mohd Nor, M. Z. (2020). Potential application of laser-based imaging technology in the quality evaluation of agricultural products : A review. Advances in Agricultural and Food Research Journal, 1(2). https://doi.org/10.36877/aafrj.a0000127



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