Mechanical Properties and Antioxidant Activity of Sweet Potato Starch Film Incorporated with Lemongrass Oil


  • Roseliza Kadir Basha Universiti Putra Malaysia
  • Nor Faezah Abuhan Universiti Putra Malaysia
  • Siti Hajar Othman Universiti Putra Malaysia
  • Noor Zafira Noor Hasnan Universiti Putra Malaysia
  • Rashidah Sukor Universiti Putra Malaysia
  • Nazatul Shima Azmi Universiti Putra Malaysia
  • Nor Amaiza Mohd Amin Universiti Putra Malaysia
  • Zanariah Mohd Dom Universiti Putra malaysia



This study was carried out to investigate the mechanical properties and antioxidant activity of starch based film containing essential oil. Active antioxidant films have been prepared with sweet potato starch by incorporating lemongrass oil. Sorbitol with different concentration levels (10-50% w/w dry starch basis) has been used as a plasticiser. The process begins with the extraction of sweet potato starch into powder, followed by the process of gelatinisation of starch, mixing the solution with plasticiser and incorporation of lemongrass oil before casting. Analysis on the mechanical properties using a universal testing machine and antioxidant activity using 2, 2-diphenyl -1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay were carried out. The film with thickness of 0.1±0.01 mm showed tensile strength (TS) and elongation at break at (EAB) 69.22-307.16 MPa and 5.39-57.72% respectively. The increasing concentration of lemongrass oil resulted in a significant increase in EAB but reduction in TS. The antioxidant activity of the lemongrass oil in starch-based film was 29-43% and increased with the increase of lemongrass oil concentration. Thus, the incorporation of essential oil in the starch based film was found to be directly affected by the mechanical properties and the antioxidant activity related to the stability, shelf life and application of the film on the packaging area.

Author Biographies

Roseliza Kadir Basha, Universiti Putra Malaysia

Department of Process and Food Engineering


Nor Faezah Abuhan, Universiti Putra Malaysia

Department of Process and Food Engineering


Siti Hajar Othman, Universiti Putra Malaysia

Department of Process and Food Engineering


Noor Zafira Noor Hasnan, Universiti Putra Malaysia

Department of Process and Food Engineering


Rashidah Sukor, Universiti Putra Malaysia

Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Food Science and Technology

Nazatul Shima Azmi, Universiti Putra Malaysia

Department of Process and Food Engineering

Nor Amaiza Mohd Amin, Universiti Putra Malaysia

Department of Process and Food Engineering

Zanariah Mohd Dom, Universiti Putra malaysia

Department of Process and Food Engineering


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How to Cite

Kadir Basha, R., Abuhan, N. F., Othman, S. H., Noor Hasnan, N. Z., Sukor, R., Azmi, N. S., Mohd Amin, N. A., & Mohd Dom, Z. (2020). Mechanical Properties and Antioxidant Activity of Sweet Potato Starch Film Incorporated with Lemongrass Oil. Advances in Agricultural and Food Research Journal, 1(2).



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