Optimisation of parameters laser cutting of oil palm fronds using fibre pulsed laser of 1064 Nm wavelength system


  • Mohd Ikmal Hafizi Azaman Malaysian Palm Oil Board
  • Mohd Adzir Mahdi
  • Mohd Rizal Ahmad
  • Abd Rahim Shuib
  • Mohd Ramdhan Khalid
  • Mohd Azwan Bakri
  • Mohd Khairul Fadzly Md Radzi
  • Ahmad Syazwan Ramli




Oil palm plantations produce fresh fruit bunches (FFB) as their primary output. Over the years, several technologies for cutting oil palm fronds and FFB have been developed and only a few of these technologies have been taken up by the industry. A study to explore the potential of fibre lasers as an alternative technology to cut oil palm fronds has been initiated where in this study laser cutting parameters using a 250 mm focus lens by manipulating power, speed and frequency are being optimised. The pulse fibre laser system used in this work operates at the wavelength and power of 1064 nm and 50 kW respectively where it is equivalent to 2 mJ of energy. Characterising and optimising the laser system with the 250 mm lens, an optimisation study is conducted in order to find a suitable working range for the fibre pulsed laser system to perform oil palm frond cutting. This study concludes that all three parameters; frequency, power and speed play huge roles in determining the quality and efficiency of the laser cutting. High frequency and speed with power above 80 % and 1 mm-1 will yield the desired results.

Author Biography

Mohd Ikmal Hafizi Azaman, Malaysian Palm Oil Board

Engineering and Proceesing Division


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Mohd Ikmal Hafizi Azaman., Mohd Adzir Mahdi., Abdul Razak Jelani, Mohd Rizal Ahmad and Abd Rahim Shuib " The Potentials of Laser Cutting Technologies for Oil Palm Harvesting", Oil Palm Bulletin 77, p. 19-25. 2018.




How to Cite

Azaman, M. I. H., Mahdi, M. A., Ahmad, M. R., Shuib, A. R., Khalid, M. R. ., Bakri, M. A., Md Radzi, M. K. F., & Ramli, A. S. (2020). Optimisation of parameters laser cutting of oil palm fronds using fibre pulsed laser of 1064 Nm wavelength system. Advances in Agricultural and Food Research Journal, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.36877/aafrj.a0000108



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