About the Journal

The Malaysian Journal of Agricultural Economics (MJAE) provides a forum for scholarly works in agricultural economics and agribusiness. Acceptable manuscripts should have a relationship to the economics of agriculture, forestry, fishery, and other natural resources, agribusiness, or rural and community development. Contributions to methodological or applied, in the business, extension, research, and teaching phases of agricultural economics and agribusiness are equally encouraged. Works centered on Malaysia and the South East Asian region receive priority. However, works related to other developing countries are also welcome. 


Call-for-Paper: Volume 30 Issue 1


Malaysian Journal of Agricultural Economics (MJAE) is open access, peer-reviewed, fully refereed, interdisciplinary, annually journal, dedicated to serving the society by quality research work. The objective of this journal is to promote innovative research in various disciplines of the economics of agriculture, forestry, fishery, and other natural resources, agribusiness, or rural community development.

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Read more about Call-for-Paper: Volume 30 Issue 1

Current Issue

Vol. 31 No. 1 (2024)
Published: 2024-01-19

Original Research Article

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