Journal of Workforce Education & Research <p><strong><em>Journal of Workforce Education and Research (JWER)</em></strong> is a peer-reviewed open access journal which will consider original research articles, and critical reviews in the area of Workforce Education including (but not limited to) TVET, Supervision, Curriculum Development, Workplace Learning, Teacher Education, Engineering Education, Innovation in Education, Talent Development, Sustainability, and Green Skills. The mission of the Journal is to publish high-quality research, scholarly and review articles at the leading edge of the development of theories and practices of Workforce Education.</p> <p>Special issues and Themes within issues, focusing on specific aspects of Workforce Education, are welcomed. The Editors can invite these, who also welcome proposals for Special Issues and Themes from contributors.</p> <p style="text-align: Left;"><em><strong><a href="">ONLINE SUBMISSION</a></strong> </em></p> <p style="text-align: Left;">e-ISSN: 3030-5713</p> en-US <p>Author(s) shall retain the copyright of their work and grant the Journal/Publisher right for the first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under:</p> <p>Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). This license allows for the copying, distribution and transmission of the work, provided the correct attribution of the original creator is stated. Adaptation and remixing are also permitted.</p> <p> <img src="" alt="" /></p> <p>This broad license intends to facilitate free access to, as well as the unrestricted reuse of, original works of all types for non-commercial purposes.</p> <p>The author(s) permits <strong>HH Publisher</strong> to publish this article that has not been submitted elsewhere.</p> (JWER Editorial Office) (IT Support) Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800 OJS 60 Analisis Keperluan, Reka Bentuk dan Pembangunan e-Resume <p><strong><em>Abstract:</em></strong><em> Information and Communication Technology (ICT), creativity and innovation are among the Cross-Curriculum Elements (EMK) that are integrated in Teaching and Facilitation sessions (PdPc) nowadays. TMK, creativity and innovation or digital education among lecturers and students should be implemented continuously in the lifelong learning process. Among the important elements in the PdPc session highlighted in the Matriculation General Studies (PAM) course is the production of manual resumes and short videos. PAM lecturers at one of the matriculation colleges has identified several problems that need to be improved in the production of resumes among students of the Matriculation Program. There are two main objectives of this study which are to identify the analysis of the importance and needs of innovative products as well as the analysis in designing and then developing e-Resume. Through a case study method of needs analysis among 160 students and five lecturers found that two main factors, i.e. increased costs and less effective sources of evidence access, are the main contributors to the need for e-resume design and development. Consequently, the e-resume innovation product is one of the alternatives that combines several open-source applications. The findings of the study show that document access through e-Resume design and development is easily accessible and can be accessed regardless of time in various locations by anyone who needs it compared to the existing manual resume design development. The implications of this design and development provide savings in cost, time, energy and storage space in addition to guaranteeing data security, especially to the assessment panel, institution management, lecturers’ teaching sessions and learning among the students of the Matriculation Program, KPM.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Abstrak: </strong>Kemahiran Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (TMK), kreativiti serta inovasi merupakan antara Elemen Merentas Kurikulum (EMK) yang diintegrasikan dalam sesi Pengajaran dan Pemudahcaraan (PdPc) pada masa kini. EMK TMK, kreativiti serta inovasi atau pendidikan digital dalam kalangan pensyarah dan pelajar wajar diimplementasikan secara berterusan dalam proses pembelajaran sepanjang hayat. Antara elemen penting dalam sesi PdPc yang ditengahkan dalam kursus Pengajian Am Matrikulasi (PAM) ialah penghasilan resume manual dan video pendek. Pensyarah PAM di salah sebuah kolej matrikulasi telah mengenal pasti beberapa masalah yang perlu diberikan penambahbaikan nilai terhadap penghasilan resume dalam kalangan pelajar Program Matrikulasi. Terdapat dua objektif utama kajian ini iaitu mengenal pasti analisis kepentingan dan keperluan produk inovasi serta analisis dalam mereka bentuk dan seterusnya membangunkan e-Resume. Kaedah kajian kes terhadap analisis keperluan dalam kalangan 160 pelajar dan lima pensyarah mendapati bahawa dua faktor utama iaitu peningkatan kos serta sumber capaian eviden yang kurang efektif sebagai penyumbang utama terhadap keperluan reka bentuk dan pembangunan e-Resume. Sehubungan itu, produk inovasi e-Resume merupakan salah satu alternatif yang menggabungkan beberapa aplikasi sumber terbuka. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa capaian dokumen menerusi reka bentuk dan pembangunan e-Resume bersifat mudah capai dan boleh diakses tanpa mengira waktu di pelbagai lokasi oleh sesiapa sahaja yang berkeperluan dibandingkan dengan pembangunan reka bentuk penggunaan resume manual yang sedia ada. Implikasi reka bentuk dan pembangunan ini memberikan penjimatan kos, masa, tenaga dan ruang penyimpanan selain jaminan keselamatan data khususnya kepada pihak panel penilai, pengurusan institusi, sesi pengajaran pensyarah serta pembelajaran dalam kalangan para pelajar Program Matrikulasi, KPM.</p> Muhammad Iqbal Jamaludin, Zaim Mursyideen Zaini, Sok Lee Chuan, Mohammad Ashrof Husaini Rosli, Asmawati Mohamad Ali Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Iqbal Jamaludin, Zaim Mursyideen Zaini, Sok Lee Chuan, Mohammad Ashrof Husaini Rosli, Asmawati Mohamad Ali Mon, 01 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Implementation of Livewire Software in Output Waveform Analysis for Rectifier Circuit <p>A diode performs a vital job as a rectifier, which changes alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC). Both half-wave and full-wave rectifier circuits in electronics can use diodes. Rectifiers are fundamental in electronics because many devices, such as computers, smartphones, and power supplies, require DC power. They ensure that the electrical current flows in a single direction, which is necessary for the proper functioning of these devices. The choice of rectifier type depends on the application's specific requirements, including the desired output voltage and current. The output voltage waveform can be analysed through an oscilloscope in the laboratory for education purposes. Instead of using an oscilloscope in the lab, we can also analyze output waveforms using electrical schematic software. In this study, the virtual oscilloscope offered by Livewire software's schematic simulation application will investigate the output signal from a half-wave and full-wave rectifier circuit. In conclusion, the waveform output from the rectifier circuit can be analyzed from livewire software successfully. Through the analysis obtained, we can determine the formation of each cycle for the output voltage rectifier for both half-wave and full-wave. It demonstrates how Livewire's virtual experiments can be utilized as a substitute for practical activities when learning online. Based on the Livewire simulation result, the halfwave rectifier's output only appears during the positive half cycle; meanwhile, the fullwave rectifier’s output of both half cycles appeared according to the input voltage.</p> Hasyireen Abd Halim, Zuraidah Muhammad, Siti Nazurah Md Zaid Copyright (c) 2024 Hasyireen Abd Halim, Zuraidah Muhammad, Siti Nazurah Md Zaid Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Kesan Penggunaan Sisa Industri Concrete Slurry (CSW) Terhadap Penstabilan Tanah <p><strong><em>Abstract:</em></strong><em> This study was carried out to identify the potential use of industrial waste known as “concrete slurry” intended for soil stabilization for road subgrade layers. Road soil sedimentation can be caused by various factors including heavy rain, construction of new infrastructure, excessive vehicle load, changes in soil properties and others. To overcome this problem, soil stabilization needs to be implemented during the construction process to increase the bearing capacity. Industrial waste such as “concrete slurry” can potentially be used in the soil stabilization process due to its properties that are similar as cement. This industrial waste was obtained from Hume Concrete Sdn. Bhd. Construction factory in Semambu, Kuantan. In order to study the potential of the waste, a total of six samples were prepared at the mixture rate of 0%, 8%, 16%, 24%, 32%, and 40% to be tested on the soil sample. The tests involved were compaction tests, sieve analysis tests, Atterberg limit tests and California Bearing Ratio (CBR) tests. The sample which has been compacted in the mould, is preserved for five days before the CBR test was carried out. Through analysis, it was found that the soil sample used in this study was of good grade with a high plasticity rate. Through the CBR test, it was found that the concrete slurry waste mixture of 32% showed the highest bearing ratio of 69% compared to the control sample of 12.5%. The total increase in soil strength was 81.88%. This shows that the use of this industrial waste can increase the strength of the soil bearing during the stabilization process and has the potential to be used as a stabilizing agent instead of cement or lime.</em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak: </strong>Kajian ini dilaksanakan bertujuan untuk melihat potensi penggunaan sisa industri iaitu “concrete slurry” terhadap penstabilan tanah bagi lapisan subgred jalan raya. Enapan tanah jalan raya boleh disebabkan oleh pelbagai faktor antaranya hujan lebat, pembinaan infrastruktur baru, beban kenderaan berlebihan, perubahan sifat tanah dan lain-lain. Bagi mengatasi masalah ini, penstabilan tanah perlu dilaksanakan semasa proses pembinaan bagi meningkatkan keupayaan galas. Sisa industri seperti “concrete slurry” berpotensi diguna pakai dalam proses penstabilan tanah kerana sifatnya sama seperti simen. Sisa industri ini diperolehi daripada kilang pembinaan Hume Concrete Sdn. Bhd Semambu, Kuantan. Bagi mengkaji potensi sisa tersebut, sebanyak enam sampel kajian telah disediakan pada kadar campuran sisa tersebut sebanyak 0%, 8%, 16%, 24%, 32%, dan 40% ke atas sampel tanah. Ujikaji yang terlibat adalah ujian pemadatan, ujian analisis ayakan, ujian had Atterberg dan ujian <em>California Bearing Ratio</em> (CBR). Sampel yang telah dipadatkan dalam <em>mould</em>, diawet selama lima hari sebelum ujian CBR dilaksanakan. Melalui analisis didapati sampel tanah yang digunapakai dalam kajian ini adalah bergred baik dengan kadar keplastikan tinggi. Melalui ujian CBR didapati campuran concrete slurry waste sebanyak 32% menunjukkan nisbah galas tertinggi iaitu 69% berbanding sampel kawalan 12.5%. Jumlah peningkatan kekuatan tanah adalah sebanyak 81.88%. Ini menunjukkan penggunaan sisa industri ini mampu meningkatkan kekuatan galas tanah semasa proses penstabilan dan berpotensi untuk dijadikan sebagai agen penstabilan menggantikan simen atau lime.</p> Saiful Hazman Mokhtar, Ernie Kulian Abd Karim, Fatihah Jafri, Ainnur Hanis Hanisa Azamuddin, Nur Anisa Fatihah Osman Copyright (c) 2024 Saiful Hazman Mokhtar, Ernie Kulian Abd Karim, Fatihah Jafri, Ainnur Hanis Hanisa Azamuddin, Nur Anisa Fatihah Osman Tue, 03 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Split Unit PCB Diagnosis Kit (Kit-DPUP) As A Teaching Aid <p class="PMMB17abstract" style="margin-left: 0in;">In the evolving landscape of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), the Split Unit PCB Diagnosis Kit (KIT-DPUP) emerges as an innovative teaching aid designed to enhance the learning experience in HVAC systems. This study explores the integration of KIT-DPUP within TVET, highlighting its role in bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. Through a structured approach utilizing the ADDIE development model, the research outlines the creation, implementation, and evaluation of the KIT-DPUP, emphasizing its potential to provide hands-on experience and improve the comprehension of complex HVAC concepts. The methodology includes a thorough analysis, design, development, and evaluation phase, culminating in a robust assessment by five panels of experts. The findings reveal a high level of agreement on the kit's design, development, and functionality, evidenced by the Item Content Validity Index (I-CVI) values ranging from 0.8 to 1.0 and the Scale-Content Validity Index (S-CVI) averaging 0.98 for functionality and 1.00 for both design and development aspects. These results underscore the kit's alignment with established product development characteristics and pedagogical effectiveness. The study underscores the importance of innovative teaching aids in maintaining student interest, diversifying instructional methods, and preparing a skilled workforce for the challenges of the modern industry. Recommendations for further enhancements are discussed to optimize the educational impact of the KIT-DPUP. The study concludes that the KIT-DPUP stands as a testament to the efficacy of practical, interactive learning tools in technical education, aligning with the broader goals of TVET to provide quality, industry-relevant education.</p> Noor Rahimin Zaidi Suffian, Nizamuddin Razali, Faizal Amin Nur Yunus, Mohd Bekri Rahim Copyright (c) 2024 Noor Rahimin Zaidi Suffian, Nizamuddin Razali, Faizal Amin Nur Yunus, Mohd Bekri Rahim Thu, 04 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Determinants of Home Ownership Among the Urbanites in Melaka <p>Over the past few years, the real estate market has been unbalanced in terms of supply and demand when supply exceeds demand, especially in urban areas. Although there is a high demand for affordable housing, the issue of house dumping is still a public debate. The difficulty of owning a house has always been a public issue debated by the government and the private sector in finding a solution for all stakeholders. With the current economic situation, buying a house is almost impossible due to the drastic increase in house prices in urban areas. In reality, urban communities need affordable housing to overcome the problem of renting a house, where the cost of renting is increasing. This study aims to identify whether factors such as market price, socio-economics, and community well-being affect home ownership, especially in Melaka urban areas. Data and information were obtained from house renters in some selected housing estates. The data collected from questionnaires was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) 23 and Microsoft Excel software. The regression analysis method was employed for this study. The study results found that the increase in house prices affects the residents' ownership in the city, even though the demand for houses is always there. Design factors, types, and comfortable spaces are still the choices of today's home buyers. Socio-economic development factors also affect the demand of urban communities that choose housing estates near the city because of easy access, available infrastructure, and stunning green surroundings. The community well-being factor is a determining factor in the urban community's choice of a community-friendly environment and guaranteed security as one of the factors of home ownership in the future. In general, this study also helps housing developers study marketing strategies by considering the current needs of urban communities, such as market prices, socio-economic development, and a community-friendly housing environment. This study suggests that the government should make more efforts to increase homeownership in the urban community by providing quality housing and creating a united society along with development.</p> Abd Ghani Rashed Mohamed, Mashahruni Md. Salin Copyright (c) 2024 Abd Ghani Rashed Mohamed, Mashahruni Md. Salin Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Awareness on Carbon Footprints Among Politeknik Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Students <p>In this study, we aimed to investigate the awareness and actions related to carbon footprints among Politeknik Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah (Polisas) students. As the world's greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise globally, it is critical to assess people's attitudes and actions in tackling this environmental challenge, especially those of the younger generation. In addition to evaluating the students' views about the impacts of carbon emissions, the study also studied the students' actions to reduce carbon emissions. The study attempted to measure the carbon footprint values of Polisas students based on their daily activities using the Polisas Carbon Footprint Calculator. Using data from their regular monthly activities, students may estimate their carbon footprint with the help of this simple application, which helps them gain a better awareness of their environmental effects. Important information about the attitudes and behaviours of 406 participating students regarding carbon emissions was obtained through the distribution of questionnaires to them. The respondents' data was analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), and the results showed an average high mean of 3.68 for attitudes towards carbon emissions and 3.60 for actions connected to lowering carbon emissions. It suggests a positive inclination among Polisas students towards environmental consciousness and sustainable practices. The findings further highlight the monthly carbon footprint of Polisas students, calculated at 3287.14 kg of CO2. To contextualize this data, the Polisas Carbon Footprint Calculator recommends planting an average of 104 plants per month, equivalent to four trees per day, to offset their carbon emissions. It gives students a tangible understanding of their carbon footprint and encourages them to actively participate in carbon offsetting initiatives actively, fostering a sense of responsibility for their environmental impact. In conclusion, this study contributes valuable insights into the awareness, attitudes, and practices of Polisas students regarding carbon footprints. The implications of this study extend to the development of targeted environmental education programs and initiatives to enhance student's understanding of their contributions to carbon emissions. Moreover, the findings underscore the potential for instituting campus-wide sustainability measures and encouraging students to actively engage in carbon offsetting activities, thereby fostering a more environmentally conscious and responsible student community at Politeknik Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah.</p> Ernie Kulian Abd Karim, Saiful Hazman Mokhtar, Sharifah Adawiah Syed Ahmad Copyright (c) 2024 Ernie Kulian Abd Karim, Saiful Hazman Mokhtar, Sharifah Adawiah Syed Ahmad Mon, 11 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Smart LPG Regulator <p>The Smart LPG Regulator is designed to oversee the regulation of pressurized steel gas cylinders in residential households. The primary goal of this project is to prevent the potential risks associated with LPG gas leaks, including the loss of life, injuries, and health concerns. The system is equipped to identify gas leaks and issue auditory and visual alerts through a buzzer, a display, and a servo motor, which promptly closes the gas cylinder regulator to terminate the gas supply. The LPG Gas Detector (MQ6) is a suitable sensor with high sensitivity to Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), including propane, proficient, isobutene, and natural gas. It is also capable of detecting easily flammable gases, mainly methane. Data collected by the MQ6 sensor is processed by the Atmega 328P microcontroller and presented through the output components. The LCD screen will display 'GAS LEAK,' the buzzer will sound an alarm, and the servo motor will continue to close the regulator valve on the gas cylinder. The MQ6 sensor can identify gas leaks from the gas cylinder, gas pipes, or kitchen stove burners. One significant advantage of this system is its ability to shut off the gas cylinder supply, indirectly preventing accidents and injuries. The system's design is tailored to accommodate the standard size of gas cylinders used in residential homes, with domestic consumers as the target user group.</p> Hafifah Darus, Suraya Abu Seman, Nui Din Keraf Copyright (c) 2024 Hafifah Darus, Suraya Abu Seman, Nui Din Keraf Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Design and Build “Smart Key Tracking Systems with RFID and Arduino Mega” for Use in Petrochemical Engineering Department PTSN <p class="PMMB17abstract" style="margin-left: 0in;">The problem concerning key storage at Politeknik Tun Syed Nasir Syed Ismail (PTSN) systems is a lack of systematic administration, leading to uncontrolled and insecure essential management procedures. Consequently, the objective is to create an intelligent key tracking system (SKTS) utilizing radio frequency identification (RFID) and Arduino Mega to establish a secure and properly organized key storage system with efficient data management. This project introduces the monitoring system with automated and real-time data collection. SKTS design uses an Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller and an ESP8266 Node MCU Wi-Fi module that sends data over the cloud. The project also utilizes the Telegram chat application bot to notify and monitor the keys' retrieval and return. It is also equipped with an RFID reader as a sensor. As the authorized user, once the RFID card is swept, type the selection key number; the solenoid lock for the selected key will open, and the key is free to be picked. The liquid crystal display (LCD) will show the authorized user data and selected room number. A signal will send the information to the Telegram application through a mobile phone to notify the other authorized user. This project successfully achieves its objective by utilizing the Telegram application to notify critical users and authorized individuals when keys are returned. These real-time notifications are visible to all registered group members on the Telegram application. The Likert Scale, which has two points, is established by utilizing data responses from the rubrics form, with evaluators consisting of industrial designers and researchers. The results are subsequently synthesized using qualitative percentages. The responses to the item provided via the rubric assessment form show that the SKTS meets the design, ideal, and functional aspects.</p> Ahmad Tulka, Rozieana Abu, Aminah Ishak, Muhammad Qayyim Jefperi, Rineshnaiidu Ratnasamy, Muhammad Affan Mohammad Noor Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Tulka, Rozieana Abu, Aminah Ishak, Muhammad Qayyim Jefperi, Rineshnaiidu Ratnasamy, Muhammad Affan Mohammad Noor Fri, 28 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800 UV LED Printing Device for PCB Fabrication <p>Photolithography is commonly used to fabricate printed circuit boards (PCBs) in micromanufacturing. It involves UV exposure to pattern portions of a thin film of a substrate before a geometric design is transferred from a photo mask to a light-sensitive substance (photoresist) on the substrate using light. Conventionally, metal halide lamps and UV fluorescent bulbs make up most of the exposure systems during photolithography. However, both systems are highly costly in educational establishments and consume high electrical energy. Moreover, they also have too broad UV radiation and are not appropriate for the sizes of PCBs that need to be mounted on the apparatus. Hence, this innovation aims to create a low-cost, portable UV exposure system that works well in educational settings by utilizing LED illumination technology.&nbsp; In order to manage time, relay, and LCD, these UV LED exposures were built using a combined LED circuit with a controller board. With a dimension of 120 mm by 190 mm and 3 mm LEDs, the UV LED circuit generates a wavelength of 400 to 405 mm for the UV exposure system. Due to its powerful and flexible design capabilities, LED lighting may be integrated in any shape to create highly efficient illumination. The testing result shows that LED lights have higher application efficiency due to its ability to concentrate light in one area. Therefore, well-designed LED illumination systems may deliver light to the intended spot more effectively. They also brighten up instantly when powered on and can be turned on and off repeatedly. This research has highlighted the advantages of LEDs for infrastructure projects, such as exposure systems, which could be further developed for future technology.</p> Wan Azizah Wan Mahmud, Nor Farahwahida Mohd Noor, Siti Norazma Muhamood Copyright (c) 2024 Wan Azizah Wan Mahmud, Nor Farahwahida Mohd Noor, Siti Norazma Muhamood Fri, 08 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0800 The Integration of Mobile Learning Framework with Project-Based Learning: A Conceptual Paper <p>Mobile learning (m-learning) is one alternative to electronic media-based learning (e-learning) for delivering knowledge and skills. In the context of Project-Based Learning (PjBL), integrating mobile learning with PjBL plays a crucial role in creating more competent graduates, especially in the field of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET). Despite the many advantages of this integration, its implementation is still limited.&nbsp; There is a lack of comprehensive guidelines for educators to refer to in the teaching and facilitation process (PdPc). Therefore, this conceptual study aims to develop a conceptual framework for integrating mobile learning with Project-Based Learning (PjBL) in the context of TVET for Vocational Colleges. This study emphasises the component and elements of mobile learning in cooperation with Project Based Learning. This study aligns with SDG 4, which supports quality education and encourages lifelong learning opportunities to empower individuals with knowledge and high-level skills, thereby driving professional development and learning. Moreover, this framework will enhance and support advancing teaching and facilitation processes (PdPc) by integrating cutting-edge technology into education.</p> Nurhaziqah Syazwina A Razak, Salmalina Salleh Copyright (c) 2024 Nurhaziqah Syazwina A Razak, Salmalina Salleh Mon, 08 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Implementation of Service Learning in Malaysian Higher-Educational Institutions: A Literature Review <p class="PMMB17abstract" style="margin-left: 0in;">Service Learning activities are increasing in Malaysia and have been implemented by many parties. Many higher education institutions (HEI) contribute to the communities by organizing service-learning programmes. The service learning activities measure students' personalities who do community voluntary work with total commitment without demanding rewards. The implementation of service learning needs to comply with the elements of service learning: personal growth, civic learning and academic enhancement. In Malaysia, higher education institutions include universities, colleges, and teacher training institutes. There are various methods of implementing service learning, such as community services, volunteer activities, and charity programmes that involve students during their studies. Service Learning frameworks are guidelines for planning and doing the Services Learning activities. This study will clarify the implementation of Service Learning by higher-educational institutions in Malaysia involving universities and Institut Pendidikan Guru (IPG).</p> Muhammad Ridzuan Jamhari, Mohd Safarin Nordin, Muhamad Afzamiman Aripin, Isma Hazwani Ismail Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Ridzuan Jamhari, Mohd Safarin Nordin, Muhamad Afzamiman Aripin, Isma Hazwani Ismail Sun, 20 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0800